Wednesday, September 9, 2009


• Promoted 4 times in the span of 4 years and have been asked back by special request by previous employers and clients 8 times in the last 2 years
• Asked to spearhead 4 technology projects with successful results
• Had over 60 cases approved in 3 months in a Paralegal role
• Took over a office that was in disarray and behind on deadlines and in 3 months turned it around as Office Manager
• Made over $30,000 in sales in my 1st 3 months at Miami’s #1 booking agency. $26,000 I brought in recruiting talent. I was promoted for my success
• Handled over 3,000 participants in national American Idol audition
• Supervised the development of 10 properties in Argentina, increasing company’s investment more than $350,000. I was promoted for my successes
• Saved company over $10,000 dollars analyzing accounts and remediating financial discrepancies
• Suggested and created the master database of a property management firm to help manage properties with greater efficiency and accuracy
• Handled over 170 customer service situations at a production company. Got commended by supervisor for customer service skills handling and retaining difficult clientele very well
• Assisted the campaign of a House of Representative Official and nurtured constituent relations
• Traveled to over 10 foreign countries, lived in 2
• Typing 63 wpm, Average score of 90% on all MS Office Programs
• Graduated in 3 years from University of Miami with a dual concentrations major
• Applied linguist and teacher in Spanish

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